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by on Jul 18, 2007 12:14 AM

our UPA / PM react only when am Muslim is in problem (either he is innocent or terrorist). they think if I act against terrorist..our Minority vote bank will be gone..and our so called Minority are trying to take the advantae of that.

They know they can do anything (even kills the Hindu in broad daylight) and get away with this because they have the full support of all the potical parties. and NO BODY can dare to touch them.

In India Muslims are more secure than the Hindus.

The day is not far when INDIA will be ISMALIC REPUBLIC OF INDIA and hindus have to obey Shariat law under the leadership of UPA SONIA khan.

There is only one solution now..we need a ARMY now and a dictator who can wipe of all these secular polticians and killing the terrorist on the spot mercy..stop of these human rights organizations and bring Uniform Law for all, no cast system, religion......person will be identified as only India hindu, muslim, .........

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Blast injures 15 in J&K