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Nuclear deal
by Aftab on Jul 16, 2007 12:19 PM

All agreements that helps us to grow stronger in nuclear energy/ power and armament are welcomed.Let there be no such clause that Mr Dick will come an inspect any installation at any time they choose and we will provide them red carpet welcome.
Let us not forget that India has crossed each hurdle that America put on us that includes supply of Super Computer to stop our nuclear progress.
Since they know it very well that even without the support of USA or any other country India will achieve what it needs so thay want us to sign an agreement.
What will be worst scenario if agreement is not signed? We will take longer time to make those progress.
Let the government consult the people who are involved in the nuclear science research and give due weightage to their expectations and reservations in the agreement.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
'N-deal a high-stakes gamble'