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Why are Indian Muslim Leaders silent
by Sunil Sharma on Jul 09, 2007 01:43 PM

There have been 2 major incidents in the recent past and I am surprised that the politicians and the so called muslim leaders of India, who starts shouting for any minor incidents in India, have remained silent. WHY????

When there was a terrorist strike in Glasgow UK, the muslim clerics of UK came out openly to condemn these strikes and advised all muslims in UK to co-operate with UK police. Why this does not happen in India?

When Himesh Reshmiyah wore a burka, a big hue and cry was raised by muslim clerics. When the Imam of Lal Masjid in Pakistan was running away in burka, the same Indian Clerics remained a mute spectator.

Our Prime Minister could not sleep watching family of the Indian Doctor when he was arrested in Australia. Why he didn't loose sleep over the families of dead in Mumbai bomb blast.

Dear Indian Politicians....please stop playing games. Terrorism is a serious issue. Tackle it head on..... don't play politics of caste while tackling terrorism. A terrorist has no caste.

Dear Indian Muslim Clerics... please learn from your brothers in UK and even Pakistan. Condemn all forms of terrorism. Come out openly and advise one and all Muslims to support the Indian Government in fighting terrorism.

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