We need to understand that the single greatest threat to the secular Indian fabric, which is the essence of our Nation, is religious fundamentalism. It directly threatens the very foundations of our tolerant approach, which is what has made India what it is today. We have to learn form the Lal Masjid drama, as a nation, that we have to ignore such extremist attitudes and instead join hands to express religious solidarity and focus on building a better India for the coming generations.The evil that was bred by Pakistan during the Afgan war against USSR and later in their sponsorship of an unsuccessful terrorist campaign in J&K has backfired. We have to further integrate the Muslim community by mainstreaming our numerous madrasas. Also, all gains made by our runaway economic development have to be equally distributed by the government. There CANNOT be any marginalisation of any community. This is the only way to prevent people from being brain washed into such acts of destruction and defiance.