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by Ibrahim Sheik on Jul 09, 2007 04:02 PM

HA HA HA ,,,
WHAT IAM SAYING IS aids is at a Rise among Non-Muslims.. In India 98 % of the Prostitiues are Hindus... Should I say ... "All Hindus are not Prostitutes, but all Prostitutes are Hindus"
...I think you guys are inspired from Kama sutra and have sexx in unsafe manner and get AIDS, thats why your population is declining...

Sri ram Bhaiya,, tell me 2 good points to accept Hinduism...There are a lot of Hindu Saints in India who talk about Yoga & Life Style or Whatever, but nobody has the Charisma or Magnetism to hold people in Hinduism... That's why Thousands of Hindus are leaving Hinduism...
But for the past 30 years of my life I have never seen a Convincing debate from a Hindu Expert to justify the Truth in Hindusim.. I think Hinduism lacks Focus and confuses its followers... That's why people go away from Hinduism..

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