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RE:Legacy Of a Prophet- Story of Ameican Muslims
by maranare nambi on Jul 09, 2007 03:03 PM

mr imaan i have just gone through some 30mts of documentary(it runs more than that) and it talk nice about Islam in the eyes American scholars on islam and what about others even creamy rich and highly British educated Muslims doctors ready to kill themselves to the teachings of Islam?? how to call it?? i am shocked!!! it is not the misguided poor illiterate afghan or pak youths we are talking about??? there is fundamentally something wrong with the teaching of Koran or the way it is interpreted now!!! some one need to come out in your religion get things strait!!! otherwise millions of innocent victims of this world (including poor Muslims in Afghanistan and other part of the world) will perish unnecessarily

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Pak defers plans to storm Masjid