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by kartik on Jul 09, 2007 04:28 PM

No body leaves Hindusim. You lure them with money and what not. Poor people they leave becuase of the b*loody politicians attitute and psedo secularism who dont care for their upliftment, they are unemployed a lot who want to convert for peanuts and fight for jihad you know very well about it. They are not converting for your religion, you are forcing them to convert. Have you seen any Hindu luring or forcibly converting? That is Hindusim. First you stop this conversion, hatred against Hindus, we are always as tolerant as we were, we are and will be. We dont preach voilence. If its by some organisations which you may mention it is to defend ourselves, they do so only on provocation and not by themselves.

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Pak defers plans to storm Masjid