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Hi I am Back ! ! ! !
by ahmad mehdi on Jul 09, 2007 02:15 PM

Hi Guys, this debate and all such debates are the key to correct our perspective about life in general and Islam in perticular. Well the fact of the matter is that "Sare Jahaan Se Achcha Hindustan Hamara" we can follow our religion the way we want with lot of support from governments irrespective of Congress, BJP or Left.Having said that the standoff at Lal Masjid, is the crop that the Pakistani establishment is reaping after the seeds of terrorism it has been sowing for years in connivance with US first in Afghanistan and then in Kashmir. Now both Pakistan and US are fighting a monster that they themselves have very meticulously created. Any ways sooner they will understand the quality of balance sheet that life has the habbit of drawing time and again.

Now let me also set another perspective right here , yes Islam doesnot by any means teach violence. Trust me it does not at all, however if the followers twist and turn it to suit there own motives then the result will be what it is.

Slowly the time will come that all our fellow countryment will realize and will see us (muslims) at the fore front of all the battles against terrorism as it is not the true Islam at all

Love To All

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Pak defers plans to storm Masjid