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RE:Every religion is good in its own sense
by Farooq Khan on Jul 07, 2007 01:53 PM

by pankaj on Jul 07, 2007 01:44 PM
"If you know the history of Islam you will never say Islam is a religion of peace."

Mr. Pankaj you missed something above: Put false in your statement.
Your statement should be:
"If you know the false history of Islam you will never say Islam is a religion of peace."

And the correct statement should be "If you know the true history of Islam you will certainly say Islam is a religion of peace."

Try to read some literatures then comment Mr.

Read Quran first and if possible not from a website because many people like you provides misinturprated information on these websites.
Buy a Copy of Quran (If you are not conversant with Arabic language try to read it with English Translation (SHAI Publications probably))
If you fear reading it as a Holy Book then try to read it just like a noval or any other book not a holy book...and then reply

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