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Islam and terrorism
by on Jul 16, 2007 05:30 PM

Today%u2019s problem of global terrorism and politics has nothing to do with religion or Islam. Islam, Christianity and Judaism are the same religion. They are the same man made book edited by three different authors. Today%u2019s so called reason of %u201Cterrorism%u201D is the result of social injustice, disproportionate distribution of world resources and the never ending attempt of the Worlds (Westerns) elites to established a global feudal economics system.

It is the sufferings that units human beings. Human beings have the tendency to unite and do resistance to anything that is unjust and unfair. To make that unification they do often embrace whatever ideology they have %u2013 even a religious one like that of Islam. Because that gives them hope and for the poor %u201Chope%u201D is the ultimate delusion in this Global capitalist world. This world is unbearably unfair. How a shit bag like Paris Hilton can indulge with everything because she is just a Hilton? This is the medieval feudalism in new wrapping %u2013 old wine in new glass. Only history will tell where all this will lead.

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