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by Priya Ranjan Nanda on Jul 05, 2007 06:20 PM

Mr Marigold , I really appreciate your energy and time keping your head straight and fighting for the religion and not to forget your symbolic "HA HA HA" . Truly speaking I have enjoyed your childish attitude for fighting horn to horn and your dream.

But puting the paper staright, no one has seen the future and in this modern world only the Adaptability to the current situation will thrive. This is not my personal view but the view endorsed by Darwin theory. That is the reason the great Dionusser is completely non existent .

Do not reply me telling that "It is nature's law with your HA HA HA HA". atleast I expect this time you will behave luke matured person and some level of tolerance.

It is the universal law as Human being is part of this nature. So the answer to all of your doubt "how When Where the plan 3 million adding every month " is one

"Adapt quickly or prepare to perish" --- Nature

I will tell you one thing Love this great world , Love the human Let live and help other's to live.

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Endgame for Musharraf?