I met one Pakistani Hindu on line and he sent a mail to me about the Minority conditions. Please find the same below.
roughly there is 1% population of hindus in pakistan and 4% of christians rest are muslims. For conversion they try there best to convince people that they convert to islam in some cases may be they have forced but its what u have to deal with when u r surrounded by the people of different religion but the ratio of conversion is not frequent, some cases in years (3,4 per year). Hindu MPA and MNA's are there they have some fix quota 1 MNA and upto 4 MPA something like that but they normally remain busy in making money even if they fight for rights they can't they are not that much influential recent example of that when I was in karachi last year some people forcefully occupied one temple and they started butcher shop inside temple so people and MPA's raised there voice against it but the temple is still with those guys. Job opportunities I can say yes they can get and they can't depends on the owner of the firm some people are fundamentalists and biased so in those firms its hard to get job some firms have policy not to hire hindus some appreciate to hire minorities so its mix. I think I have written more than required you might be wondering how long reply I sent, ok lakshmikanth time to go to work take care bye.