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by INDRANI GOSWAMI on Jul 05, 2007 02:22 PM

The raison d etre (the rationale) of creation fo Pakistan was to oppose Hindus. If one were to go by the concept abinitio, then Pakistan has to oppose everything that is Indian. So, Pakistani establishment cannot be blamed if they are sticking to its basics, i.e. oppose India and create as much problem to India as possible. They are simply doing their job.

Way back in early 1900, Muslims of India strongly resented sharing power with the Hindus. "Hindus are natural subjects" was the common refrain (and) they have history to support their claim ! Did not Mansingh buy peace with Akbar by offering her sister ? Red Fort and Taj Mahal were made during the Mughal rule. Consequently, if Pakistanis fee that they have 700 years of histosy to stake their claim on Red Fort and hoist the flag atop it, can one really argue ?

Sorry for being contrarian. The fact remains that foreign invaders have shaped the destiny of our territory for the past 1,000 years and we were incapable of defending / shaping it up.

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Endgame for Musharraf?