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by Kabeer on Jul 05, 2007 02:26 PM

Emotion seems obscuring the logic!
Let mind rule over heart than the other way round!
If you want to get to know the truth let cold logic prevail!
It is needed because unless one diagnoses the disease accurately one can not prescribe the right medicine.

Whatever is happening in Pakistan now is the direct consequence of 9/11 rather than their inflicting terror on us for more than a couple of decades. Had 9/11 not happened Pakistan still could have merrily troubled us, perhaps even to a greater degree than now, and still not got affected by it as they are today. Conversely, even if they did not cause terror in Kashmir and elsewhere in India, still they could have had the same situation because of 9/11. As Musharraf, in his infamous telecom to Aziz during Kargil said, the Pakistani State can control actual Jaishs and Lashkars, but not Al-Qaeda. It is Al-Qaedas might at display through the face of Jaish in the current situation. And in Al-Qaedas radar India is just a blip, at least as on day. Jaishs and Lashkars are like jackals feeding over the leftovers of big beasts like Al-Qaeda!

It is their northwestern borders, due to their cultural and impoverished nature, that were prime fertile breeding grounds. Usually, one takes risks when there is little to lose. As their Punjabi eastern borders are wealthy fewer people resort to terror as there is something at stake to lose and that tells us why there is minimal terror activity in Lahore than in Quetta or Karachi (Its impove

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Endgame for Musharraf?