Do you really think that ater the 'lower-castes' convert to christianity, their social situation is any better. Casteism exists very much in Christianity also, with Dalit christians being denied entry into some churches and certainly never allowed to become a pastor or perform certain rites in churches frequented by upper-caste christians. Even in many parts of the US, blacks have their own church, because they are not welcomed by the whites in many churches. The lower-castes in India in villages tend to have their own church. I have myself experienced their seclusion and exclusion in bigger churches. So nothing fundamentally has changed for them. As for your automatic assumption and accusation that people who are against religious conversions are 'upper-castes' is absurd and only reflects your own prejudices. I'm not upper-caste, and I strongly condemn religious conversion born of trickery, deceit, and through bad-mouthing and insulting Hinduism (and other religions) to make christianity look good. Christianity has practiced and continues to practice even today in many parts of the world acute racial discrimination, oppression and obliteration of non-christians; yet it seems ironic that lower social classes are led into believing that christianity is egalitarian religion and that Hinduism is not. if that isn't a pack of lies, then what is!!