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Anti-Conversion Day
by ashwani roy on Jan 23, 2007 11:21 AM

It is basantpanchami today.Veer Hakiket Rai, a lad of 14 yrs was sacrificed by cutting his throat by koranic injunctions by mulims,moulavis and islamic administration,in the capital Lahore.His fault was to refuse to convert to Islam from Hinuism. This day is still celeberated as agreate day of sacrifice in Delhi,Jammu, Haryana and Panjab.So this day sould be celeberated as anti-conversion day.A letter and reminder should be sent to all proslytiser/religion converting agencies working secretly or openly in india to stop it. An other thing we have to do urgently is to invite our hindu brother back to the home who at any weak moment left us and this home under some pressure,grudge,greed,or deceptiv trape.

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