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World is movingg on guys !! Grow up !
by Ashok Ajmera on Jan 20, 2007 05:40 PM

This country's politicians have thouroughly damaged the poor by consistently misleading them for personal gains The economy has to move on. It is surprisingg that even today people can't see the worldwide economic changes and major impact on India. Lakhs of descendents of the "victims of Textile Strike" have retrained and found employment in sunrise industries booming in India. Retraining is inevitable around the world. Just look at the robust emploment figures in USA where people were heavily protesting against jobs going to India. The politicians and labour-leaders should have helped those left out to come to reality instead of holding up economic changes. Today's booming Indian economy is despite the politicians, not because of them. The world money is coming here to gain on the burgeoning middle-class and its fast growingg purchasing power, which incedentally is comming from the same new economy. The politicians must bring policies that will attract world money to come here and keep it here for long enough to help increase employment in all stratas of societies. They should also free up enough resources such as vacant lands, urban land ceiling acts, marshes etc that the prices do not get distorted as at present. They should also open up hinterlands around large metros by rapiid development of infrastructure so that pressure and demand on urban land reduces, thus bringging their prices down.

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