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Reality Bites
by G S on Mar 01, 2007 12:07 AM

Pakistan has no sympathy with kashmiris, it is just a revenge on India of their loss in 1971.

Pakistani society is at it's lowest ebb, with jihadi mindset and talibans roaming everywhere.

Sufism study will not get Kashmir's sufism back, beacuse world over Muslims have been brainwashed, and so also some Hindus and other people. Everybody thinks they have grievances but they can not take law in their hand. Instead every grievance can be handled through proper democratic institutions. (agree can be debated, but we should not run away)

Muslims have to look into what went wrong, why they threw all the minority out of the valley, killed them and looted their proprty. They seem to follow Pakistani style of Killing or wiping out entire minorities through propangand of Hate India. Check the poplations of minorty in pakistan and their growth it is 0%.

Kashmiri's should not test the patientce of Indian people, and avoid falling into Pakistani trap, which is nothing but back to medival ages.

There is nothing to play pakistani game. Pakistan is a failed country their society is in shambles and Northern areas under their control is prime examlple of how they treat their citizens, nobody ever heard of people from there.

Right now kashmir is dependent on major dole from center and to rebuilt it's industries it will take couple of decades, so it is waise to be with India and grow out of misery, rather than opt for balckhole (pakistan).

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
'Pak made many mistakes on J&K'