As long as these scums do not talk about their sins committed on Kashmiri pandits they will remain disgusting terrorists. The problem is all about hindu and muslim. If they are true kashmiris why the hindus were thrown out. why there is not talk of taking them back. Why not the dirty kashmiri muslims make positive actions to atone their sins and the rape of islam that they themselves committed in collusion with enemies. There is only one word for kashmiri muslims and that is of traitors. Our own politicians failed to seiz the millitary initiatives won by our forces and today a large part of India is under pakistan control. To rub salt on our wounds they have gifted a part of land to China as if it belonged to their father. Kashmiri muslims and traitors in congress are responsible for this mess and bloodshed. One clean millitary solution is only way. We can not talk from a position of strength if our land is under enemies control