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It will be total chaos!
by ANIL RAO on Mar 01, 2007 09:26 AM

What peace this guy is talking about. Just imagine a scenario if at all India gives up it claim on Kashmir, needless to say there will be total chaos. Everyone will be killing everyone for power. Mush will be there, Kasuri wants his share, Gilani wants to blow the trumpet and the umpteen terrorist outfits will sing the lullaby's as if the land is theirs. Look at what happened to Pak Occupies Kashmir. For the sins of Pakistanis, God destroyed it by a massive earthquake. The only solution to this so-called problem is get the whole of Jammu and Kashmir back into India driving away these thugs just like Israel does.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
'Pak made many mistakes on J&K'