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SAD day for India
by Amol on Feb 27, 2007 05:07 PM

SAD, with the help of BJP has won the elections in Punjab. How ironic it is that the BJP keeps on talking about terrorism but they are allying with the party who started and supported the terrorism in Punjab killing thousands of innocents.

BJP always has shown many faces. They will talk of Bofors now, but when in power could not find anything. They will talk of Raj Dharma and let loose their cadres to kill the innocents from other religions. They will talk of Islamic fundamentalism but drag down the glorious Hinduism to barbaric level. They will talk of religion making a mockery of humanism. It is really a very sorry state of affairs. However, they have been successful in brainwashing many of the Indian youth making them believe that many other religions and their followers as monsterous and creating the hatred and divide amongst the people that seem never to be bridged again. There was otherwise never a talk of being a Hindu, a Muslim or a Christian in such a distasteful manner as it is now. Instead of looking towards people as human beings, they have made people to look at them as muslim, christian or hindu. This, in fact, comes from the same mindset where BC's & OBC's were looked down upon and that time (even now) they were not Hindus but BC's & OBC's, far lower than these cultured people. May be now they are concentrating on division based on religion like Hindus, Muslims, Christians etc. Once this process is over, they will start dividing again on the basis of castes within Hinduism to bring back their glorious tradition started by MANU.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Punjab: SAD-BJP takes early lead