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RE:SAD day for India
by Lakshminarayanan S on Feb 28, 2007 07:40 AM

Mr.Amol should have read the message by Mr.Shawaji bhosale under caption "Best Governing Party To Sonia" before making this comments. Mr.Amol forgot to recollect the grooming of Bindranwale by Congress. It is Congress and the so called secular parties doing vote bank appeasement. It is BJP who have conveted our Nation by making our honourable beloved Bharat Ratna Dr.Kalam as the President. Why don't you recollect this Mr.Amol?

Mr.Amol is blind in seeing the organised conversion of Hindus to Christianity which is a regulr affair in our Country. I have seen places where Hindu temples are bulldozed in the name of encroachment? Had the so called secular parties dared to remove any worship or any sort of similar place of Christans or Muslims which are very well encroachements? I can show standing examples.

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Punjab: SAD-BJP takes early lead