This is the factual picture u presented but i guess hardly any takers for this. They got everything at their side. Money power to overturn the case or take the stay undefintely in court of law, media power to force us to change our opinion at their behest, muscle power, elite and so called intellectual class all to undermine this stark reality in all form, at anytime to find any surface. Ask to these proudy hindu cadres, why didnt ever they try to stop or teach their kids and relatives to seek better living and working place outside of India in first place. They follow double standard, preach us to say vandematram and they do in reality exactly opposite, making our lives worst and their lives best. And now when our politicians who come from same breed, does anything wrong or right, in an instant all forums gets filledup and hate (using all derogative words as it look like they are being educated thruout by generations) gets out in all form. I say rather first purify ur blood first, find corruption in ur home, with ur relatives, than talk of bigger things. U choose the same politician not from today right since 60 years back, so why rucksa. Pathar woh marey jisne kabhi paap na kia ho..Its high time for all real Hindus to wake up and desist from these deliberate psychological exploitation on behest of our past cultral moral settings by thse secular Hindus (who flew away from country in notime in first find opportunity) waged a war infact against us REAL nonsecular Hindus.