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RE:Extremism has temporary rewards
by Amar Desai on Feb 27, 2007 10:18 PM

Amol, it seems u r frustrated by the honour and growth that hindusim has brought to this nation. Well just to tell you the word Hindu and progress goes hand-in-hand, if a blood sucking pest like you can see how india is progrssing today only on the base and efforts of INdia (majority being hindu) and if in longer run BJP will come in rule without coalation nation is definately going to progress. In the mean while you enjoy the life and comfort Hindustan is giving you and yes you are most welcome to critisize the native religion of this land. And if you think that you all are not comfortable here, ther eare lot of options Pakistan, Bdesh, Iran, Iraq. Please go if you think they can give you a better life.
Jor se bolo Jai HIND.

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Punjab: SAD-BJP takes early lead