Blame it on 'Buddha & M.K.Gandhi'; We, Indians, are usually so soft even to the killers. Budhha taught as to be kind to everybody; M.K.Gandhi totally broken the backbone of Indians by his way of 'Ahimsa' when millions of Indins were brutally murdered and tortured by British people until they left the country. We, Indians, are not brave enought to meet the fire with fire. Government should have thrashed all the terrorist groups and it's locations by it's huge army. But, it didnt happen; Government is wasteing the time in holding various useless discussions with those terrorist. So, this will continue again & again. Our former Foreign Minister even released & excorted the cruel Terrorist to Afganistan after they killed one passenger in our own Indian airlines flight. Had it happened to Isrel, by that time, it's army might have demolished/destroyed all the terrorist outings in the border. We have so many blacksheeps in our country who are working for other nations and terrorists. These should need to be eliminated once for all. No mercy to those killers. Mr.President, dont waste any more time in rejecting this mercy petition. The more you delay, the more you will loose your respect. By pull on the delay, we are insulting all those brave warriors who lost their life to protect our Parliament as well as to protect our borders.