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pay back time comrades that is all
by J S on Feb 11, 2007 03:25 PM

Mamata or no Mamata, it was the comrades who misunderstood new economy and let loose a violent response in many states against new industrial policies. They are against SEZ in other states, they are the 'guardians' of farmers in other states. Why only in Bengal they need to be different? Communists are embarrassed that someone else is using their methods.

If Bengal is not 'industrialised' ask the people who rule Bengal for last 30 years. Not the Singur farmer or Mamata.

Learn lessons Comrades. Kindly do not do what Mamata is doing in Bengal in other states. India needs to grow - inspite of Mamata - and the Comrades.

Raj Chin

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Mamata attacks CM, Tatas