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An appeal to the opposition parties
by sisir majumder on Feb 10, 2007 02:39 PM

Industrialisation in west Bengal is hampered by the unwanted agitation or creating violence,murder etc.The peaceful life of the simple villagers is affected by the unscrupulous,irresponsible,unwise,activities of Mamata and her company.What she wants? people want development and employment-generation programmes which are taken by the Govt. and some Industrialists who want to invest in Bengal.But on the other hand Mamata and her co,does not allow Govt. to acquire land. Govt has the power to acquire Land for the interest of the State and her people.So,Govt.should take strong steps to tackle the situation for Devt.Progm.Political leaders have no right to disturb the peaceful life of the simple villagers. Villagers want development and alt. employment,Justified compensation etc.The pol.parties instigate them to take Law in their own hands.An unfortunate incident took place.Who will be responsible for this unwanted,unfortunate incident? The opp.paties should think over the matter.This incident must not be repeated.They should response to the consultation-call of the chief minister. Good sense may create in the minds of the Oppsition parties.
Sisir Majumder,Barrackpur,Kol-700122

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