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by Aditya on Feb 09, 2007 09:56 PM

I realize a lot of people are upset because of prior incidences, particularly the Kargil war. Rest assured, i personally ascribe to the theory that the best predictor of the future is the past. However, we have to realize a few things here.

1. We have to make peace with Pakistan. Pak has been a burden to us for 60 years now. And if we have to make a few concessions here and there then so be it. We have more pressing concerns. Futhermore, we have to see Pakistan's point of view on this too. Making peace with us and riding the coat tails of our economic success is integral to their survival of the near future. If they don't do this now, they are finished. Musharraf himself has realized that fighting India is a lost cause especially as we get more powerful by the day.

2. Let us not confuse compromise with complacency. Even if we demilitarize Siachen, we better keep a very close watch with our satellites, UAVs and recon aircrafts. We see so much as a twitch on the other side we should move in lock stock and gunbarrell. And I hope we stay vigilant. That imho is the most important lesson we should learn from the Kargil war. Let us not get caught napping, and this time around if we do have to seek a military solution, it should be done with the assistance of the airforce and laser guided technology from the get go so as to minimize our casualty rate.

But for now, I say we put our pride aside and do what is best for the country as a whole.

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Pak says it won't occupy Siachen