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Lunch in Lahore
by R Singh on Feb 10, 2007 01:49 AM

What so damn important to have lunch in Lahore and dinner in Kabul. Do we have to kiss their ass just so that they will not attack us out of mercy? Is this the reason.

That somehow we will show them through our blind love that there's more to life then jehadism or 'kafir killing'.

PM and his Masters should know that rest of India does not follow their appeasement policy.

Giving up on Siachen will show Pakistanis that we are weak, that or resolve crumbles under pressure. Once Pakis get control of Kashmir, then they will run down the hills to attack us.
We will be surrounded by their attacks from the north and west.

Let the PM go and have lunch in Lahore. Seems like a nice place for mullahs to hangout, maybe he will like their brotherly love. But please spare us from this outrage, we don't want to go to Lahore and we don't like to have dinner in Kabul of all places.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Pak says it won't occupy Siachen