I agree with you. But one more thing that we should understand that often we feel "I am right, I am doing the right thing, they are wrong". Who are they? Let me explain.
Over the years India has seen bigger cars, more number of flights, more passengers. But does big cars and bigger bank accounts really mean bigger moralities? On our roads we see cars driving on the wrong side of the road, queues in the airport being "jumped". I took these 2 examples as I feel that the so called "educated" class uses these facilities (I am not referring to chauffeur driven cars). Or do we gain this privilege by some other way? When can we expect "others" to fall in place when we ourselves try to find a shortcut to everything? Our children grow up seeing us take unhealthy means of getting train tickets, school and college forms, paying bribes, what is the message that we leave for them? They start to think it is okay to do that, after all which child will want beleive that what HIS father is doing not correct?