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Stability needed in this state
by rohit sharma on Dec 30, 2007 05:14 PM

This small state in India is wonderful, because of its people. The state needs much awaited stability and the leaders need to be more matured. the trend has been mud slinging by congress on BJP and vice versa. Hope this new governement takes care of the state and takes it to become a good state.Last stint of Mr. Dhumal brought many things to lower himachal and I hope this time he shall look at himachal rather than lower or upper. This shall help him to put an example to the other party so that they also do the same next time... when they come to power...
Whatever may be the ruling party I think the people of the state deserve all good things in life... All the best Mr. Dhumal....And all the best to the opposition too... May constructive criticism prevail and state see new heights in the time to come....

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