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An excellent position by USA to ensure the peace in the region
by Naidu Y C on Dec 29, 2007 12:16 PM

It is good stand taken by USA and all the countries will definetely support this stand. Apart from this, USA should take strategeic action to sweep out Al Quaida activities through long term action plan. This is possible by USA taking the issue through UN and by active participation of all countries and then terrorist activities can be controlled. Not by peacemeal way, this gigantic task is possible. The root causes need to be takled instead of facelift policies as and when it hurts. India is suffering heavily from the subcontinent terrorist activities and India demonstrated well to the entire world how it handles both by peacefull and by force as and when required.

If democracy is not restored in Pakistan, the very purpose for which a leader sacrified her life becomes waste.

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'US doesn't want emergency re-imposed'