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People of Pak
by Welcome on Dec 29, 2007 08:31 PM

I feel very sorry for the ordinary people of Pakistan as their country is not in their control anymore. Everyone else in the world want to control them which includes the mullahs, military, media, muslim countries, neighbors and the western countries. The democracy is a staged democracy and the people's opinion is altered by bombs, murders and media. The situation in Pakistan is amusement and entertainment across the globe.
I wish to see the real power wrests with the people in this generation itself.
People from India, please stop commenting on Pakistan with the opinion framed by the foreign media present in your country. Please read some unbiased books and different versions of history. If you think democracy is good then support any person in this world who is fighting for true democracy, which is the power to ordinary person.

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'US doesn't want emergency re-imposed'