You should join the spineless PMs company. The mentally imbalanced PM Manmohan Sangh said Gujarat is a real threat to the nation. PM was reading his election speeches as written by local congress leaders.The shameless congress leader said the law and order in Gujarat is totally collapsed and people living in fear for their life. The PM doesnt deserve any reply for this nonsense by a shameless, spineless man controlled by a foreign lady. Even the enemies of Modi & BJP had acknowledged the Development going on in the state in various fields. If development means coming up with Minority pampering policies like UPA, then we don't want that development. The powerless PM must remember the announcement by the Rajiv Gandhi Foundation headed by Sonia Maino itself as Gujarat the number one state in the country in terms of economic freedom index. A study, Economic Freedom for States in India, carried out by the Rajiv Gandhi Institute for Contemporary Studies, the think-tank of the Foundation, has come to this conclusion after analysing economic freedom in different states of India. The study has defined economic freedom as absence of government coercion or constraint in the production, distribution, or consumption of goods and services beyond the extent necessary for citizens to protect and maintain liberty by itself. In other words, the Foundation does not agree that individual liberty is under threat in Narendra Modis Gujarat.