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Jitega Gujarat!!
by Tataghata Mukherjee on Dec 11, 2007 04:48 PM

Democracy is a powerful tool in the hands to bring changes.

People have realised that how Modi has used the high office to make the rich the richest in the world at the cost of poor farmers , adivasis and the middle class as a whole.

He has humiliated Keshubhai, Kolis, Solankis, Thakore, Brahmins and passed on the economic burden on poor, peasenteries and middle class.

More than 4000 farmers are languishing in Jail for not paying the elecricity bills of small amount and their photographs were pasted on the walls every where.

On the contrary it is alleged that the big industrial house have stolen elecricity with fraudulant methods and the government has deliberately kept his eyes closed.

Middle class finds it very hard to pay the tution fee of school going children. Admission in professional courses are managed by Education mafia who chrge hefty fees and donations in black.

Poor parents are either not sending their talented children to professional colleges and a few are manging to dish out the hard earned money to these mafia.

The plight of Middle class, working class, industrial and farm labours ,peasentaries are worst.

Humiliation of people of different caste and creeds is rampant and state leaders of national importance eg Kesavbhai etc have been humilated for speaking the truth.

Frustrated Modi is now trying to divert the attention from burning issues and making the communal speech to save his sinking boat.

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