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RE:Your rubbish proves ur worth...
by imran patel on Dec 11, 2007 12:10 AM

What do these elections have to do with Islam ?

If people are making senseless comments, do you have to join them ?

Abdul Haq,
Do not lose your focus and get into the gutters with these arguments. Work to make sure that your next generation does better than you, achieves more than what you did. That will be a more powerful statement that abusing each other.

Qayamat is our belief. We should strive to make ourselves better. Judging others is NOT our job. Leave that to Allah.

Be involved and be informed. Have more interaction with your hindu friends. The problem we face today is ignorance and intolerance. Interaction and communication with lessen the pain.

Be a Muslim and an Indian. They are NOT contradictory to each other. Being a GOOD Muslim, should make you a BETTER Indian.

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BJP to project Advani as prime minister