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Advani deserves it but...
by Nimesh Dikshit on Dec 10, 2007 09:22 PM

why on the eve of Gujarat Election? And why Sangh which asked Advani to step down from the positon of President of the party is backing him as a PM? A question that should be asked by every one? Forget not that Sangh has refused to root for Modi in Gujarat. Also its also a fact that overwhelming Hindus all over india wants Modi to come out and become PM. Sangh Sensed it. Rajnath Sensed it. They also know that other then Advani most central leadership would be kicked out like Keshubhai for their nonperformance if Modi becomes the PM. Hence this hurried judgement of Advani as PM. Since Modi is a big supporter of Advani, and Advani is basically seen as the mentor of Modi in BJP, this will just work fine. Rss came out with a poll that BJP would win 80 seats in Gujarat, is a bunch of lies. If they really thought that Modi is going to loose then they would never support Advani as PM. Sangh is getting involved in a very dirty politics. Its going to pay dearly in time to come. Watch out your actions, or perish.

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BJP to project Advani as prime minister