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religion and nationality.
by . on Dec 15, 2007 11:41 PM

ppl say religion n nationality r two different things. further they say religion is personal belief of some1 to be followed in their own homes. but as a person ie by nationality, v r all indians. thus conversion of ppl from one religion to another does not affect our nationality.
now the point is.
think of jinnah who was hindu by birth. n he was misguided to b converted himself into muslim. subsequently, he realised his mistakes n wanted to reconvert to his original hindu religion. but during that time, the hindu religious leaders did not allow him to reconvert him to hinduism.
this frustrated jinnah to a great extent. he was then instrumental to the creation of state called pakistan in the name of religion. imagine if jinnah had been allowed back as hindu by the leaders then, the partition wud nt hv taken place.
so ultimately change of religion ultimately led to change of nation and thus conversion and nationality r invariably related terms n cant b separated.

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'Modi's policies are nationalistic'