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left lack foresight ...
by citizen on Aug 21, 2007 08:13 AM

No doubt ,the left parties are against the deal as they are acting on behalf of China .During the frequent visits of the left party people to China for the so called STUDY TOURS ,they were brainwashed in this area and they have become puppets in their hands ..
Till today India doesnt have enough electricity to meet the needs of its countrymen .We are deficient in that area. As we are all aware ,electricity/power is vital for the development of any country ..If the nuclear deal is signed and if we start producing suffient or excess power ,our country will naturally grow ,infrastructure will develop and we will become a super power in no time ..thats why China is scared and is using the left to foil it .
If one looks at the state of the States where they have been in power ,he will know that the Left lack vision, common sense and fore sight ...
Left are selfish nuts and are against the development of India .... they should be deported to China as they are destabilising India at their behest ..
To have foresight and vision ,one should have the development of country in mind ..but its very clear each party has its own selfish motive ...who thinks beyond that ???

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Will the govt pass N-deal?