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What is the uproar all about?
by Truth Be Told on Aug 21, 2007 06:52 AM

As per the Constitution and the current laws, the Government does not need to table its agreement with a foreign country in Parliament or obtain the approval of either the Lok Sabha or the Rajya Sabha for the same. All that is needed is the approval of the Cabinet which has already been obtained.
Why is Dr. Singh, who must be lauded for finalizing the agreement, wriggling & squirming on the issue now? Why doesn't he just go ahead on the basis of the agreement and imprison the likes of Karat & Yechury for blatant anti-national activities designed to help a regional superpower?
If Manmohan Singh has a visible fault it is that of being a wimp. This is his chance to prove that he isn't, wheeler-dealers & manipulators like Pranab Mukherjee & Sonia Gandhi notwithstanding.

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Will the govt pass N-deal?