I agree that US nuclear deal is not a clear cut deal and US wants more transparency to our nuclear work (epecially after paki nuclear leak episode) and they want India to balance out china in Asia. But for India to sustain 9-10% economic growth , having a dependable energy source is inevitable. Take a look at any developed country (north america, western europe, Japan), 50% of their energy comes from nuclear energy. If India can maintain 9-10% growth for atleast 10 more years, the 'face' of India will change (china knows this). To me, it always looked like that the Indian commies were against development no matter what and they are doing the same again (I am from kerala). I don't understand why they are saying that we have to give up our soverign right to carry out nuclear tests if we sign the deal. Yes, US can stop working with us if we carry out a nuclear tests. But that doesn't stop us from carrying out a nuclear test if we want. This is just like any 'bilateral' agreement.
Btw, regarding whether mallus are happy....
The answer is 'NO'.....
But one thing I can say, the way communist party is ruling the state, the party will cease to exist in the state soon (everybody in the admistration except the CM is corrupt :)).
Also, mallus are not idiots. If you have a mallu friend you will know that..