Yes I can pledge this. But how do you get this across to the masses ? Are YOU AN ARTIST ? Most Bengalis are good artists. You can use your artistic skills for the cause of the nation. Do you want to make propaganda posters to educate people ? I can give you ideas. Make posters which show a Spider with hammer and sickle on it back slowing sucking the blood out of "India Map" which is trapped in its net. Make posters which show a Python with Hammer and Sickle tongue sticking out wrapped around West Bengal slowly strangling it. Make posters which show a Scorpion with an upraised tail ready to strike India. The Stinger of the scorpion should show the hammer and sickle emblem. In all these posters show in the background a Chinese man smiling stupidly and clapping. THIS is what I call PROPAGANDA. Make posters like these and distribute them to all and sundry. Generate a HATRED for the communists the like of which has never seen before