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RE:who exactly are these Left ?
by MiddleClass Indian on Aug 22, 2007 05:33 PM

No. Left are not opposing the deal just because it is the US and they are communists. Neither is the BJP. Wonder why this Govt. does not publish the 123 Agreement on a proper website for public opinion! May be there is something in there... BTW, US never to be trusted. Today they are with you and tomorrow they will ditch you for Pakistan. They have done that since time immemorial. They go where the money is. Money (oil) in Iraq, they go after it. Money (oil) in Iran, they go after it. Money in nuke energy in India, they will come for it. Only without invading. Think... Cannot India build enough energy through conventional resources? It can. All it requires is a political will to do it and zero corruption.

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The Left's death of a 1,000 cuts