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RE:Left is the last frontier!
by bhuwan ranjan on Aug 24, 2007 12:30 PM

Mr Anwar,
If you are so disturbed with the communal riots, discrimination in education and employment then why don%u2019t you guys look at the source of the problem, and this problem is apparently clear to the entire world but just not to the Muslims, that this their religious fanatics is costing them so dearly, only if they started to respect other and adopt the policy of live and let others live, then there wouldn't be any problems.
I am sure many people would try to draw the attention towards Hindutva and org like RSS, BJP but the matter of fact remains that its always the Muslims who finds all other race, religion and what not conspiring against them, only if you guys more tolerant and less insecure like your religion world would be a better place to live and let other live and enjoy

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