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RE:thought to ponder
by Navpreet Singh on Aug 20, 2007 01:46 AM

REALLLY! Then what was the reason that sensex was stuck below 6000 mark during the complete span of NDA rule and only with congress led alliance its now hovering around 14000-15000. Do you really think that MNCs and FIIs are investing in INDIA bcoz business policies are less conducive or more conducive under congress as compared to BJP led NDA govt. Come on guyz look at the wider picture, We need the best infrastructure possible in order to grow as fast as possible (ideally faster than CHINA and as a matter of fact if you want have a look at chinese news on this issue, you would learn that how glad china is by this turmoil bcoz it knows that this is hampering INDIA's progress overall)as a nation & as an economy to become a real financial super power and not just a super power in terms of N Bombs like pakistan. The choice is upto us, wheather we would like to back govt like UPA which is daring to go ahead with such a deal and putting india on the right foot in order to enable india with all the infrastructure to achieve the fastest and maximum growth possible OR govt like NDA which is so conservative in its outlook and would never go ahead with such a deal and therefore would hold back india in terms of infrasture implemention and hence its growth. I AM ENDORSING CONGRESS WITHOUT EVEN A SLIGHTEST DOUBT TO GO AHEAD WITH THIS AND WOULD ALWAYS ENDORSE THEM UNTIL THEY WALK THIS RIGHT PATH OF INDIA'S PROSPERITY AND PROGRESS AND ARE WILLING TO TAKE PROPOTIONATE RISKS FOR THE CAUSE.

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