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RE:thought to ponder
by Wander Wolf on Aug 20, 2007 12:45 AM

Yes, indeed 6 years of NDA's rule has restored honour and pride in hearts of Indians. For all fears the liberals and moderates had about BJP reining in hindutva based fundamentalism in India proved wrong and mis-calculated. Minus the so-called Gujarat 'carnage' for which one cannot hold NDA responsible (Modi was to be blamed) there was not much that the nation lost during this time. It was a time of immense change, when people begun to be confident in who they are and the economy went from one strength to another.
It heralded a new setup which even after 3 years of change of leadership has remained robust and steady.
We need governance based on practicality and innovation, based on openness of mind and ability to take risks .... something that the ailing congress is eventually going to fail to deliver.
the only thing one can say about the congress govt. is that you cannot flog a dead horse.

I am a Hindu myself, but I wouldnt support the idea of having a hindu-only form of government, we need to look beyond our bigotry and petty-mindedness and have an outlook which is inclusive tolerant and progressive.

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