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Left and NUCLEAR deal
by ashwani sharma on Aug 20, 2007 07:31 AM

This kind of political nonsense is not happening for the first time at the top level of governence.PM,SONIA,CONGRESS are running the this goverment with the help of left.It was then incumbent upon leadership to ensure proper sharing of information,secrets or no secrets,debate with allies beforehand to save this embarresing situation before the country.
Because of such mishandling we often see so much wastage of parliament's precious times that we often make laughingstocks of the nation.
This is not happening first time.During NDA Yashvant Sinha became ROLLBACK Sinha as he would annonunce decisions without proper consultation.
INDIANS expect our political leadership/s to know basics and importance of delegation,debate,dialogue to have consensus on such issues.Even the opposition should be consulted properly.

PM ,please accept that you or your think tank have commited great error and for GODSAKE dont tell us that BJP organised HAVANS to ensure your elimination.DONT FORGET YOU WORKED UNDER A PM WHO WAS MOST FAMOUS FOR TAKING HELP OF SUCH FORCES!

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Left opens window of opportunity