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by JGN on Aug 10, 2007 10:15 PM

All State Governments and Central Government should seriously consider allowing private sector participation in professional education. Their ability to provide necessary infrastructure only needs to be taken into consideration. Most of the big industrial houses in India will only be too happy to participate. This will bring an end to the blackmailing of the present private professional colleges, mostly run by the so-called minority communities and/or corrupt politicians (we have the example of telecom revolution where competition has brought down mobile call charges from peak of Rs. 16 per minute to the present Re. 0.50 per minute!!!!!!!!)

Let them charge any amount of fees they deem fit but the should be frozen for the duration of the entire course and should not be subject to any revision in the intervening period. This will enable students who have the capacity to pay the fees demanded by the respective institution to enrol for their courses.

Reputed foreign universities should also be allowed to set up off-shore campus in Inida.

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Karnataka govt to scrap CET