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by mpncn mpn on Aug 04, 2007 06:40 AM

Almost many Bolly wood stars (except a handful)
are connected with underworld.Yes Sunjay slo one of them. So he must be punished and should be made as an example to others who still are in connection with underworld.Congrats and salute to the judge(after many many yrs we are seeing some impartial and sensible judge-or judgements)
Now About the second part on-Ram babri masjis-temple...Its already prooved that most of the Masjids are made by destrying temples by Muslims/ or the reckless Muslim Rulers.
Hindus had given many chances to the presnt Muslims to correct their mistakes or mistakes of their ancestors, by willingfully hand over such illegal posessions back to whom it belonged to. But neither they did it, nor they want to do it...nor ( i think ) they will do it.
Infact If the muslims are the so called Good Islam sons, they should have corrected their mistake and could have earned respect and brotherhood feelings from Hindus.
So if somebody is not willing to accept the desirable and correct ways, no wonder Hindus made them to do it by using force.
I dont feel anything wrong in demolishion of unauthorised occupation of a structure.
Jai Bharat..Jai bharat mata..

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