The thorough job Judge Kode seems to have done reinforces the fact that the wheels of justice grind slowly but they do seem to do the job. If you read each of the person's charge sheet and the corresponding sentence, it does seem fair. I must say I am not aware of all the facts, nor do I know the quality of defence the accused had available. However, the investigation seemed to be thorough and the plot fairly clear and therefore the sentencing also thorough. Unfortunately, due to the media attention to Sanjay Dutt, he is the only person we know most about. Some questions I had: 1. Why was not Tiger Memon mentioned as accused? 2. What about Dawood? These were the key persons - the rest were mere pawns in the hands of these prime accused.
However, Mr. Kode's verdict serves a lesson for the common people who can get carried away - by ideology or simple greed - think before you act...!